
criteria for body conscious design

What exactly is body conscious design? What are the criteria with which to evaluate the bodyconsciousness of a certain product? How can we create a more solid and shared basis for our certificationprocess?

These questions came up recently in the context of a certification request to ABCD (the association for bodyconscious design). We thought it would be nice and interesting to throw a wider net and invite all members of the ABCD community to find answers to these questions and learn from each other in the process. Would you like to join the dialogue? 

Hereunder a first list of thoughts, just to inspire your thinking, feeling and action ... It's ripe and green and totally uncensored, so feel free to add your own ideas and break down these ;-) 

You're welcome!

Brainstormlist of criteria for evaluating the bodyconsciousness of design

1. Bodyconsciousness:

Freedom of flow, breath, movement: Does the product allow/facilitate/support the free flow of fluids, breath and movement?
Freedom of  movement: Does it facilitate movement in all planes/directions?
Are all my bodyparts free to move?
Does it allow me to move from my center and/or to connect all body parts to my breath and center?
Does it support "spinal integration" or integration in general?
Does it support the lines of force? 
Effect on connective tissue: Does it facilitate the connective tissue/matrix to function as an integrated whole?
Effect on nervous system: What is its effect on the nervous system? Does it cause stress or is it relaxing?
Structural effect: What is its effect on the skeleton, muscles, organs, ...
Effect on psyche: What is its effect on the psyche?
User-friendliness: Is it easy to use or is it confusing?
Stress (?): Does it cause stress to the body or the mind?

2. Design:

Originality: Is this an original concept / a re-interpretation of an existing concept / one in a dozen?
Appeal: Is this product appealing to the eye? Do I like how it looks?
Material: What is the effect of the material on the body (does it feel nice or does it itch, sweat, stink, ... ? ) [:-D I am beginning to like this ...]
Effect on self-image: Does it give me a positive feeling, strengthen my positive self-image.

3. Sustainability / "indirect" effects

Productionprocess: Is this product made in a bodyfriendly environment? Are the machines on which it is made bodyfriendly for the producers? [Or is it for example made in a chinese sweatshop where hundreds of workers sit bended behind machines in buildings without light and fresh air ];
material: is it recyclable? [or will our grandchildren suffer from the leftovers of this products?]; Is it made in a bodyfriendly process? [or are the workers suffering rash, lungproblems, etc]
Does it have an easy repair process?
Does it have a good longevity - lasting, durable materials and workpersonship?